How much will a Website Cost You? 10 factors Associated With Website Cost

Actually the cost of the Website depends on different factors. These are direct and indirect factors. We will discuss these factors, so read the complete blog. Direct Factors: 1. Technology used: This is the main factor that decides the cost of the project. Your Website could be developed using any technology, there are low-cost technologies and high-cost technologies too. For example, we can develop a website using WordPress (low-cost technology) or we can develop the same website using Laravel which will cost you higher. There are many other technologies and all the technologies have different costs associated with them. 2. Length: This is also one of the major factors in deciding the cost of the project. If there are different modules on your website like your website is an e-commerce store with a huge collection of products, it will cost you much higher rather than if your website is simply blogging website. 3. Buying a Domain: The cost of Domain name also affect the overall cost of the website. You may get a domain name ranging from $10 to $100. The domain names are charged on Monthly or annual bases. 4. Buying Hosting: Hosting is also one of the major factors in deciding your website’s cost. Depending on the size of your website, you need to buy the hosting that can handle your website easily without affecting the user interface. If your website is expected to have high visitors, you need to buy an expensive hosting service. 5. Delivery Time: Rush jobs always come with high fees. If you need your project completed to the earliest, you need to pay higher than the normal delivery time.This must be decided before the start of Project. Indirect Factors: 1.Maintenance: The Website once created need regular maintenance so that it could deliver the required results. So to keep the website functional and safe from bugs, it should be maintained properly. Maintenance Cost is associated with every project. 2. Security: This Factor is very much necessary for E-commerce Stores. Most importantly SSL Certification is must required for secure transactions. Different development platforms have their own inbuilt security associated with them. If you need more secure website, you can go with the most secure platform. 3. Promotion: Any website is useful only if it is getting good visitors count. So for this website promotion is must needed. Different strategies are used for website promotion which are SEO(Search Engine Optimization), PPC(Pay Per Click), SMO, or any other form of Digital Marketing. 4. Payment Gateway: You will have to integrate different Payment Gateways for an eCommerce store. The cost of website is highly affected by these payment gateways as all the payment gateways charge the different costs for the transaction. 5. Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance(QA) is a process to ensure that end users get best user experience and interface when using web app or website. In this process thorough testing of every module of website is checked for proper functioning. Along with these, there are many other factors that you will face as per the functionality and requirements of your website. Webtrack Technologies follow the best strategies to deliver you the most cost-effective website by fulfilling all your needs as the cost may differ from developer to developer. We can’t make a cheap website instead we will deliver you the most cost-effective website.