5 Best Advantages of Responsive Website Design [RWD Explained]

With Google Updates in 2015, the responsiveness of the website is one of the most important factors that affect the ranking of the website in search engine results. This was because of more use of Mobile devices like smartphones, laptops, Tabs which comes with different screen Resolutions. Everyone was searching for their required services from smart devices as they are easily accessible. Earlier the websites were designed only for desktop resolution and when the same website is searched on mobile devices, the user has to face many difficulties in accessing the website as the whole structure of website used to get distorted. So finally in 2015 google has taken a great initiative so that designers have to design the website for mobile devices(responsive design) too so that website could be easily accessible from all the devices. This was to provide the user with the best experiences on all the devices. In April 2018 the google has announced another update that they will consider a responsive website design for indexing and ranking the website. What is a Responsive Website? Responsive Website is one which is flexible to respond to devices of all screen resolutions. The Responsive website will look good on all the devices whether it is surfed on desktops, laptops, tablets, or mobile phones. The responsive website contains different elements that respond differently when website is viewed on devices of different sizes. Let’s take an example of a website which is represented in three columns on the desktop. If it has a responsive design, it will adjust accordingly to fit the screen and the design will split into two columns on the Tablet and into a single vertical column on the phone. In this way, the content is easy to read and navigate. 1. Better User Experience 2. Improves SEO 3. Increase Mobile Traffic 4. Improves Loading Speed and lower Bounce rate 5. More Social Sharing Though Responsive website has many other benefits too but these are the most effective benefits. If you require a website for your business hire the best web designing company who will deliver you the Responsive Website.