Importance of Website for your Business | Benefits of Business Website

The Business trends have changed a lot since the last decade. With the need of time, every business is moving toward digital platforms.
Does Your Website Require Redesigning Services?

Your Website is Online face of your business. If you want to take full benefits of Digital market you must update your website with all the required changes. We usually write on different aspects of websites from time to time. As an expert Web Designer, today we will write about the Design of website. The Design of your Website is the most important aspect for your online business. As the design of our clothes changes with time, the same applies to our website also. The design used 10 years ago will not be preferred by user now. So website needs redesigning with the need of time and business requirements. Today we will help you by explaining when your website require redesigning. As Per User Experience: If your User find your Website is difficult to navigate, this will put bad impression on the user and they will somehow hesitate to visit your website. There are many other elements associated with user experience like ease of navigation, use of text and images and many more. You need to take care of all the aspects and need to redesign it so that it gives better interface to user. Responsiveness: It is the most important factor in designing. As the user an access your website from different devices with variant screen sizes, so your website must be accessible through all the devices and must render well on all the devices and screen sizes. So your Website should be responsive to be accessed by all the devices. Speed of Website: The Speed of Website is majorly affected by the Design of website. The user likes the website which is fast to respond. The User doesn’t like the website which takes more than 3 second to load. So this will adversely affect your website your website and you will lose your business. So make sure to maintain your website speed or if not possible, get your website redesigned. Along with this there are many other factor which could be managed by the web designer. So get your website analyzed by a web designer and make the required changes to avail all the benefits of your website.
5 Reasons of Outsourcing Web Development Services from India

Indian Web Developers are highly qualified and capable to fulfill needs of all the clients worldwide. Indian Developers work on all the latest technologies. So if you are thinking to build a website or blog for your business you can easily rely on Indian Web Developers and avail any types of website related services. The only thing you need to make sure before hiring a developer or web development company is to check the experience and competency of that company or person. You must check the past experience. In this blog we will discuss the reasons of outsourcing web development services from India. Quality Services: The India Web Developers are highly qualified and experienced to deliver quality services. Indian developers are consistent learner to adapt to the latest technologies. Where we are hard workers, we are smart workers too. Through the creative an innovative thinking you will get the best reliable services. Easy Availability: It’s Truth that there are many graduates passing each year from reputed colleges and universities, so by developing skills they are becoming capable of delivering their services. Though it takes time to acquire the required skills to deliver the quality services but there are many developers who are ready to deliver their services to clients. Cost Effectiveness: The main cause of cost effectiveness is difference between the currency of India and other countries. It is very useful for the foreign clients and Indian Developers to get their work done at low prices as compared to their own countries. On Time Project Completion: Mostly Indian developers perform their tasks by following strict time constraints. Web Development companies are liable to get the work done as per the stated agreement. 24*7 Services: Indian Web Developers are very hard workers, many development companies provide 24*7 Services. As a client you will get the trusted services whether they are consultation services or you need any query to be resolved on urgent bases. There are many other direct and indirect benefits for outsourcing the web development services from India. As an Outsource Web Development Company, we are working with client of USA, UK, Australia, New zealand, and many other European countries. Therefore, if you need any type of web development services, we will provide you the best services.
7 Tips to Achieve Better Ranking For Your Website | Search Engine Optimization

To Achieve the Best Results from your website, it should be optimized as per the needs of search engines and also it should provide best user experience so that the user could get all the required information for the requested query. To enforce this, a website must fulfill certain criteria, which are imposed through search Engine Optimization (SEO). As a Digital Marketing Expert we will guide you how to achieve better ranking for your Website through SEO. SEO is process which consists of list of different activities to develop an impact-full website that clearly disclose all the information about your business. Here is list 7 most important SEO Tasks: Choose Your Domain Name (Business Name) Though the process of Search Engine Optimization(SEO) should start prior to the development of website. The domain name of website should be as per your business or as per your brand name. Web Site Designing and Development Your website should be structured in such a way that it clearly discloses the whole information of your business. Search engine loves the website that is easy to navigate and crawled by Google bots. Audit Website for SEO Score You will know about your website’s SEO score thought audit. In which you will analyse website for: Website Speed, Website load time, URL Analysis, Website Errors, Index Status, Website score, and many other metrics This Audit will help you in deciding the health of your website. You can make your further planning for the data obtained from this report and most importantly this analysis should be repeated after every month in the SEO process which helps you to track your work. Keyword Research and Targeting Keywords are the basic elements of SEO. Optimizing your website for the relevant key phrase is most important part, so that our website should rank for the required keywords. Most importantly the keywords should be highly searchable with medium competition. Write the keywords focused content (Articles or blogs) and get your website ranked for those keywords. Your Article should be informative to describe the user requirements. Speed Optimization Loading Speed of your website plays very important role to rank your website. The search engine and user find that website good if it loads quickly. So make sure to check the speed of website and make sure to keep it near 3 sec. Website should have average bounce rate(40-50%). Make sure to keep the size of all pages short by compressing the image size and avoiding unnecessary JS and CSS files. Mobile Optimization Now, it’s necessity that website should be optimized for mobile devices as the user can access the website through mobile devices so to fulfill the desires of users, website should be compatible with all the devices. Back link Generation Back links are like pillars of website. All types of back links whether do-follow or no-follow have their own importance in building the website. Sharing our products and services on different social media platforms is also very helpful for promotion of our Website. These are the basic rules to get our website ranked in search engine results. There are many other tactics which vary from business to business. If you want your website ranked we will help you achieve your goals. Hire a Digital Marketing Expert to promote your business and generate leads for your business.
Here is Why Website Maintenance Services Important for Business of all Size

The majority of business owners emphasize the importance of having a website, however, they often create a site, launch, work on it for 6 months, a year and never look back at it. Ignoring website maintenance results in losing your valuable customers, clients, and overall impacts your business too. Not to forget mentioning, your website’s monthly maintenance has to be a thing, so to ensure components like links, inquiry, payments, images are working efficiently. Your main aim has to be creating a website that is user-friendly, attractive, easy to navigate, and pretty much visually appealing. Don’t lose your business with a stale, misfunctioning, vulnerable website, professional web developers can help maintain your site through effective services. Website Maintenance Services List Here is a list of website maintenance services that you need to keep an eye on regularly! Repairs & Fixtures Site monitoring Site speed Website backup SEO Website Content Regular updates 1. Regular Updates Updates= strong functioning! Regardless of the type of CMS you are using for your site, check if there are any new updates released, if yes, execute it. If you fail regularly updating your site, there is a strong chance your website will be exposed to hackers! Thus, website maintenance service includes updating as the top priority. 2. Site Monitoring It withholds an array of activities that are conducted to test the existing web services available. It checks the performance, navigations, functioning of the site and can involve either manual testing or automated. 3. Site Speed Your site load time affects your visitor’s interest and desires to hold back on your website. 80% of the consumer will wait until three seconds before abounding any website, and therefore it should load within three seconds. Your page speed has to be quick or else you lose your valuable prospects. 4. Analytics Data analysis is the key and vital element. It assesses the traffic coverage and data on your website. A professional web development agency assesses your data on a timely basis and provides a report on the same. Analytics help understand the progress of your business website with regards to engagement. 5. Content Content has led to generate results 3X greater than traditional marketing! Fresh and updated content is what user searches on the search engine. Regularly reviewing the content, erasing errors, uploading updated information with a fresh tone, style keywords will work. A business must go deeper and do not miss out on nurturing their website, this is the only criteria of a successful online presence. Benefits of Website Maintenance The more active your website, the more you gain visitors. Prepare a website maintenance checklist and work on achieving all of it. The more updates you delay, the more maintenance and cost you need. Skipping it impacts your money and time and you can’t afford to catch problems! 1. SECURITY: Security is the number one reason to maintain your website! Website maintenance fixes various bugs, security patches and keeps up the site up to date. Sure, there are thousands of hackers online and their potential to reach your vulnerable site is high. Making sure your website is secured, protected, and well maintained with an eye on security will keep hackers away! 2. STAND OUT: 89% of the consumer shops from a competitor after receiving a poor user experience. If you make a positive first impression with a well-functioning site, this isn’t a thing you need to worry about. 3. CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE: If your website has an outdated theme, template, content, poor mobile browsing, you can be sure to miss out on ample leads. In addition to ensuring your website display properly, keep an eye on maintenance for a fresh and relevant user experience. Update your site with the latest videos, photos, information, proper links, contact forms that result in a positive experience. REPUTATION: With every online search, 50% of the user access to a new company, product, and service. What makes you special? Your first impression! Customers are on the look for business they can trust. A poor, unstructured website with broken links, low content strategy, dead pages is a waste. Get rid of the old-fashioned site and present yourself with a positive light through innovation, updates, and regular upkeep. Why Do I Need Website Maintenance? 77% of the users said, they would not visit a site again if they see a 404 error. Imagine, the kind of audience you are losing with a poorly structured site. Many people assume why on earth will their site be a hack, especially when it’s too small! The likelihood of a poor site getting hacked is a lot greater due to not having enough security coding. When you fail to make the updates when it has become available, but then later you realize the need for an update and make them. It turns out you have to spend a lot. Due to the increased number of updates, a web developer has to spend extra time and extra money to fix your site. Website maintenance provides new features, functions that you can use for your site. The sooner you implement it, the better and if you continue to use the older version, your overall experience will be compromised. Each release comes with performance improvement. When you are not up to date concerning the maintenance, your site might take a lot to load. Navigation gets poor, conversion reduces, and the speed also impacts your SEO. A website that is always fresh, current, will never need to be replaced! Web maintenance for your website will help to extend its life, and there won’t be a single need for you to redesign, rebuild or rework your site from the scratch. WRAPPING UP! Always remember, website maintenance isn’t optional. A professional business requires to upkeep and maintain the site just like any other offline storefront. You need to dedicate Website Maintenance Services provider to produce a professional, functioning site.
How much will a Website Cost You? 10 factors Associated With Website Cost

Actually the cost of the Website depends on different factors. These are direct and indirect factors. We will discuss these factors, so read the complete blog. Direct Factors: 1. Technology used: This is the main factor that decides the cost of the project. Your Website could be developed using any technology, there are low-cost technologies and high-cost technologies too. For example, we can develop a website using WordPress (low-cost technology) or we can develop the same website using Laravel which will cost you higher. There are many other technologies and all the technologies have different costs associated with them. 2. Length: This is also one of the major factors in deciding the cost of the project. If there are different modules on your website like your website is an e-commerce store with a huge collection of products, it will cost you much higher rather than if your website is simply blogging website. 3. Buying a Domain: The cost of Domain name also affect the overall cost of the website. You may get a domain name ranging from $10 to $100. The domain names are charged on Monthly or annual bases. 4. Buying Hosting: Hosting is also one of the major factors in deciding your website’s cost. Depending on the size of your website, you need to buy the hosting that can handle your website easily without affecting the user interface. If your website is expected to have high visitors, you need to buy an expensive hosting service. 5. Delivery Time: Rush jobs always come with high fees. If you need your project completed to the earliest, you need to pay higher than the normal delivery time.This must be decided before the start of Project. Indirect Factors: 1.Maintenance: The Website once created need regular maintenance so that it could deliver the required results. So to keep the website functional and safe from bugs, it should be maintained properly. Maintenance Cost is associated with every project. 2. Security: This Factor is very much necessary for E-commerce Stores. Most importantly SSL Certification is must required for secure transactions. Different development platforms have their own inbuilt security associated with them. If you need more secure website, you can go with the most secure platform. 3. Promotion: Any website is useful only if it is getting good visitors count. So for this website promotion is must needed. Different strategies are used for website promotion which are SEO(Search Engine Optimization), PPC(Pay Per Click), SMO, or any other form of Digital Marketing. 4. Payment Gateway: You will have to integrate different Payment Gateways for an eCommerce store. The cost of website is highly affected by these payment gateways as all the payment gateways charge the different costs for the transaction. 5. Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance(QA) is a process to ensure that end users get best user experience and interface when using web app or website. In this process thorough testing of every module of website is checked for proper functioning. Along with these, there are many other factors that you will face as per the functionality and requirements of your website. Webtrack Technologies follow the best strategies to deliver you the most cost-effective website by fulfilling all your needs as the cost may differ from developer to developer. We can’t make a cheap website instead we will deliver you the most cost-effective website.
Make Sure To Ask These Questions Before Hiring a Web Development Company

Your Website is the online face of your Business. So as per the requirements of your business, your website must be fully featured & functional to fulfill the needs of users. As a business owner, you can either visit the websites of your competitors or ask your web development company to develop a website fulfilling all your needs. Today we will let you know about the important things you need to ask before hiring a web development company. Ask about their web developers It is the most important question you need to ask a web development company. You will get to know if the company has a knowledgeable professional for handling your projects. Ask them if they can work in the latest technology so that you can get your project delivered in the latest technology. Ask for the company’s Portfolio A good web development company has a strong portfolio which must consist of the project completed using different technologies. Ask if the company has experienced developers to fulfill your requirements. You can also contact the past client to take the feedback of the company. Ask for the cost and time duration Make sure to clear the cost and time estimation required for the completion of your project. If you want your project to be completed on time, make sure to fix some deadlines. Cost is a very important factor that needs to discuss before starting your project. As a client, we do have some specific budget for a website, if the web development company fulfill your requirements within your budget, go with it or search for some other company. and make sure that the other company is reliable. Ask for end to end cost associated with the project. Ask for SEO friendly website Your website should be SEO friendly so that it could be ranked easily in the search engine result page. Ask the company to deliver a user-friendly design. Ask for Maintenance Services For a new website, min of 3 months free maintenance must be provided by the website development company and ask to resolve any type of issue. If you want any type of assistance service, feel free to contact us we provide reliable web development services.
Follow These 5 Strategies for Your Online Business Promotion

No matter into what business you are. You need to follow these 5 Basic Strategies to promote your online business. These strategies work for all types of businesses. 1. Offer Best Price in Market The Basic Strategy for an online business is providing the best price in the market for your products and services. As every user compare the price of the required product on different online portals. They will buy the product where they find the best price. So, analyze the market and offer the best price. 2. Build Your Brand Brand awareness is must needed for the promotion of your products and services. So build your brand by delivering the best class products or services. Once your brand is famous among the public it will automatically start generating leads. 3. Use Social Media Platforms Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram are very useful for the promotion of your products and services, make use of these platforms to advertise your business. Take advantage of paid services of these platforms to reach to a large number of users. 4. Provide Easy User Interface If you own a website, it should be responsive and must be very fast so that the user doesn’t find difficulty in using the website. Make Sure to get your Website designed and developed by the best software company. 5. Optimize your Website for Search Engine Though SEO produces very slow results but it is must needed for any website. Get your Website Optimized for Searching engines and make sure your website is listed on popular websites. Apply these strategies you will achieve the best results for your business. Promote your business by reaching targeted audiences and giving them attractive offers. Make sure to deliver the best services to your customers. These are definitely long term strategies to need to work on a regular basis. You can also take help of digital marketing agency providing all these services and achieve best results for your business.
Choosing the Best IT Company In Usa

IT Companies Well to Start IT Company, One must have good experience and skills to satisfy the needs of Customers. There must be a team of Developers, Designers and Digital Marketers who can deliver all the required services to the customer. So Starting an IT Company and maintaining it by providing quality services to the customer is really a challenging task. IT Company in Usa Webtrack Technologies is one of the emerging IT companies in Usa providing reliable services to it’s Domestic and International clients. This company was started by a struggling entrepreneur who’s name is “Manager Singh”. As per the name, he is very capable to manage this company very efficiently. After completing his education in 2011. He started his carrier as a web developer. He was very talented to learn new technologies very easily and worked on many numbers of websites and generated good revenue for the companies. He was always thinking to do something big. So after taking good experience. He started his own company by name Web track Technologies in 2016 and started providing web development and designing services. His work was appreciated by the business owners and he started building a team of high caliber Developers and designers. They also helped him to reach new heights by providing quality and on-time services to its clients and that too at very reasonable prices. Manager Singh used to give the necessary classes to the team to upgrade their skills. He always believes that the Company will grow when the employee will enhance their skills. So he always motivates the employee to learn new skills and do quality work for clients. Team & Services at Web track Technologies At present, he has a team of 15 members which consists of 8 Developers(Web and Andriod), 3 Designers, 2 Bidder, 2 Digital Marketers. The whole team is managed by Manager Singh. Developers work on following technologies: CMS(WordPress, Shopify, Wix) CI, Laravel, React, Node.js, Designers provide these services: Website Designing, PSD, Interactive Posts and banner for Social Media Sharing In Digital Marketing services they provide services like: SEO SMO SMM Therefore, If you want any services from the above-specified services you can contact Web track Technologies.
Benefits of Website For Your Business

Are you looking for Business Growth and want to earn more profit from your business? You must move forward to Run your Business Online and adopt the best practices